Saturday, February 20, 2016

These two

This video pretty much sums them up. Can't believe that at 9 months and three years they can interact so much. Landon loves telling Owen he can't do things, and Owen is already knowing better than to always listen to his big brother. (I am in for it in a couple years!!)

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Landon is 3!

I sit and write this on the morning of Landon's third birthday.  I am up early because of boy wonder #2 waking at 5:45am for a bottle and to finish out his night of sleep.  I am grateful for these quiet moments of the day to sit (do a yoga, which isn't normal for me), read my devotion and have a cup of coffee.  I was just reflection on the last three years with Landon and thought it would be best to record them here... since that is why we have this blog ;) (as neglected as it may be right now)

I can't even begin to sum you up in a few words.

You are energy, endless energy, always running, hopping, jumping and throwing... everything and everywhere

You are love, for mom and dad, for Owen, for friends, Grandpa & Grandma, Nanny & Papa, and for blankie and paci- can't forget the 'loveys'.  Oh, and you love a good show (thank goodness for Netflix- this has been a resort all too often this year...but he loves it, and it keeps him still for 20 min.  Favorite shows- Curious George. Little Einsteins. Daniel Tiger. and just in the last weeks Octonauts)

You are a social butterfly-- not intimidated by new people... just yesterday you had a 5 minute conversation with the lady behind us in line at Meijer... just wondering everything about the dog she was buying a huge bucket of treats for. I am thankful for your confidence and outspoken spirit to whip up a conversation, which did have a benefit because she backed mommy up when I didn't have a penny for you to ride the horse, Sandy... but to you, he is "champy" (seriously tho... who doesn't even have a penny!!!)

You are a helper-- fixing Owen's paci for mom, bringing me things, picking up every piece of trash we see... no matter where we are (thank you Nanny for teaching this, although sometimes the trash is SO gross I wish he wouldn't touch it :). you love helping 'stir' your pancake batter almost every morning, yes I said EVERY morning... you could live on pancakes alone, they are by far your favorite! (but don't think you have me fooled ;) I know you like to stir so you can eat half the batter before we cook the pancakes) you can even put your own shoes on now (woot, woot!!)

You are thankful.  You tug at my heart strings every time.  We will be sitting for lunch or dinner or even just a snack, you'll shift your gaze to me and say "Thanks for making this for me, mom.  Its my favorite." (melt. my. heart.) You are so sweet, I can't stand it.  You are so thankful for everything around you, its awesome that you can express this at just three years old.  Never stop expressing thanks.

You are curious.  This year we went through a very long season of the "WHYS?" Which can be very exhausting as a mom who heard this lovely word more than 200 times a day.  But the reality is you are just so curious to learn the what and why's about things around you.  I delight in this, and please never stop asking why.

You are a blessing.  Your dad and I thank God for you every day.  You light up everyday with your clever comments and endless energy.  You are excited about life and we are so blessed that we get to share it with you.  We can't begin to think of our lives without you.  Thank you for being just who God created you to be, don't every try to be anything else.  We love you,

Mom and Dad

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Catching up with Owen

Owen is six months now so I have a few months of catch up on here. Life got just a little busy with two boys. It was a challenge going from one to two, but now (6 months later) I can finally say we are settling into a somewhat predictable routine, after a lot of changes in our life have occurred. In the last month we moved from MA to MI and Kyle has started a new job at Lakewood Construction. 
With all that said, here is the latest on Owen. We will start with the monthly pics 
Big bro couldn't stay out of the pics :) Owen sleeps best on his tummy and is having some difficulty eating because of a minor tongue tie. Owen loves his snuggles and prefers to be held...most of the time. Loves to focus on lights and the ceiling fan. Once he was lying on the couch watching the fan slowly spin, the fan stopped, he immediately cried. We started the fan and he was good again. We just had to test it again and the same thing happened! He is a sweetie and he definitely shows signs of already knowing what he wants. 
More smiles and giggles galore! He is loving life but forgot how to sleep thru the night right after mom went back to work. He is growing well, staying on the top of the charts!
Rolling over and looking for voices and faces to talk to. Social butterfly and loves chewing on his hands. 18 lbs 95%ile
Growing such a personality. Loves his cuddles. So nosey- always needs to be watching the action.  His cheeks are THE BEST to kiss. I think I could loose my lips in them. Finally took the plunge and conquered the sleeping battles- crying it out for only four (long) nights. Soooo worth it though!

Owen is such a sweet heart. Loves people and searches for eyes to smile for.  He adores his older brother, often watching his every move (and they are fast) waiting for him to come chat and play peek-a-boo. 

 6 months today but no pictures because we are on the road traveling from ma to mi with what we thought would be our last load of stuff from the spring street house. How does one family accumulate so much stuff? 

Monday, June 15, 2015

One month

Owen is one month already! We have had a great month full of tons of changes. One to two kids is a big adjustment and we couldn't have done it without the help of our families. Thanks especially to both moms 😘

Owen is weighing in at 11 pounds 9 ounces and 22.5 inches long. He is a healthy, growing boy! He has an easy going personality but likes to know what is going on around him. Takes his naps in short bursts during the day but sleeps quite well at night, we love that!
He has started smiling this week which melts my heart every time. We are so in love with this boy!

Big brother Landon loves him so much, sometimes a little too passionate about the hugs and kisses ;) he loves playing pretend in all the baby seats. He has had some great chit chats about the baby... When I was burping Owen after eating Landon was helping me, very gently and says "mommy, my hands no work, they not makin any music?" (Because he wasn't patting his back hard enough)

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Owen David

God has blessed us with another baby boy!  Owen David entered the world at 11:37pm on Friday, May 8th.  He is a big boy, weighing 8 pounds and 10 ounces.  21 inches long.  He is a healthy, calm baby boy.  We are home and settled in... Landon is loving his role as big brother... so far!

Thursday, May 7, 2015

a new perspective

While I don't usually write down my feelings or post just a note, I thought I would share this.  I also wouldn't call myself a writer of any sort, but here goes!  

Lately, the reality of becoming a mother of two has seemed, at times, more overwhelming than joyful.  With Landon going through a bout of separation anxiety and sleep anxiety I have felt pulled in his direction so much that I couldn't imagine also having a newborn. While this reality of the newborn is coming quickly upon us, past my due date by two days now, I have been so thankful for the extra days and encouragement by others to change my perspective.  

 My overwhelming feelings have come at a time that should be sweet and calm, however, putting Landon to bed these days seems like more of a chore to add to the list than the sweet rocking of my baby to sleep.   He has entered a stage that he is not able to get himself to sleep without being rocked, read to, sang to, and then having me hold his hand through the crib bars while continuing the songs...his favorite song being, 'Amazing Grace'.  As sweet as this sounds, lately all I can think of is how I will do this process, which takes over an hour most nights, when I can hear a baby crying downstairs.  Or, wondering if that laundry has actually begun to fold itself after being in the dryer for the third day in a row?   Over the past week I have been trying to sort this out and I came across this article... which helped a lot.  Take a read if you’re interested!

So this article helped me realize that I need to be there for Landon, in as many ways as I can right now, and really be there 100%.  It is my job to make him feel secure and confident in himself so that he can grow out of this 'stage'.  It is trying at times, but why should I ever think the laundry is more important than my first baby gaining the feeling of security.  Whatever it is that he is processing, I don’t want him to do it alone.  Plus, we are about to add another huge change to his life.

The second thing that helped me shift my perspective was this devotional my dad sent me.  It is about finding joy and peace in the unplanned circumstances of your day, always... not sometimes, not when we remember, but always.  The very day that I read the devotion I had a great day... not because everything went as planned and definitely not because Landon was a fantastic kid that day. (In fact, we had a no-nap because he fell asleep in the car for ten minutes kind of day.  Topped off with an entire container of Parmesan cheese (the really little sprinkle kind) being shook ALL OVER the floor while I was going to the bathroom.  Talk about feeling like you can't do anything.... 9 months pregnant- literally, on my due date, and I feel like I can't go to the bathroom because he will get into mischief.)  BUT this day, May 5, was our turning point... we chose JOY and PEACE and we found God in the little things.  Remember that Parmesan cheese? Landon had the time of his life with the vacuum cleaning it up! And, remember the no-nap?  Landon fell asleep on my shoulder walking up the stairs to bed, at 7:15pm... that meant an entire evening of finishing up the things I didn't get to throughout the day and enjoying my ice cream on the couch with Kyle.

So, with all this said... I will continue to change my perspective... finding JOY in knowing that my purpose is to raise two boys to love God and others with all their heart.  We will find the joy and peace in all things thrown our way.  I know I will still  be overwhelmed at times and while I know that it is not the amount of laundry done, floors cleaned or dishes not in the sink that measures if we have had a good day, it may take me a little while to get used to looking at it all and being okay with that :)

P.S.  One more lesson God is teaching me... PATIENCE!  Going on day two of being 'over-due' with this baby :)  On one hand I am SO thankful that I have learned these lessons over the past few days, but on the other, I just want to meet my baby boy and hold him in my arms!  Come on baby... today would be a great day ;)

Here's to hoping....

....this is the last pic without our sweet baby boy!

 But if it's not, I am not sure how much more "nesting" can be done. Landon has even caught the cleaning fever!!
And a few of our week together... Because I just can't help myself